
Hot Take: I think Harry Potter doesn’t stand the test of time. Franchises like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Star Trek, Dune, Marvel, DC, Lord of the rings, Doctor Who etc. will outlive Harry Potter
It burned too bright too fast.
Harry Potter was a thing of its time then became an after thought. A franchise like Star Trek been around since the 60s, Star Wars been around since the 70s, & Indiana Jones a franchise been around since the 80s are examples of timeless classics.
If I may, I think too the current cringe factor of the author plays a big role. A friend was OBSESSED with Potter, from a child to young adult. Once Rowling went batshit crazy, my friend put the books and films away. They're tainted. She's not going to pass that fandom on to the next person.
I agree and I also think you have those potter fans that have a really hard time dealing with Rowling as well. Plus Fantastic Beasts movies don’t have that success as the originals and the remake series is desperation and I bet will be a flop.
There's no way of knowing but had Roddenberry, Tolkien, Lucas, or Spielberg turned out to be publicly rancid human beings, those fandoms may not have flourished either.
it's just bizarre to me. fandoms rely on others passing them on. It seems there's a good chance Rowling was probably always this looney, but all she had to do was NOT open the lid of her homophobic arc of the covenant brain.