Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe

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Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe

i've never been cool, crentis sufferer, i can get the lapsed WCW fans back

Read The Theory of the General Crisis:

Join my discord server the No Fun Zone
Probably not gonna be the one I land on but was feeling the Bobby Heenan bit, RIP Brain
What bothers me about posts like this is that the correct response is to be incandescent with rage but most people act like it's just bad electoral strategy. The solution proposed is never to reject the system.
I have to rewrite Leftism Should Stop Punching Itself, it's not bad but it's not that shareable, I can hit the points more sharply
I guess my project is to present things in such a way that an honest person can't ignore the reality of the situation. I do think we're still doing that in a lot of ways
What's annoying about political philosophy is having something figured out but people keep complaining about it and you're like no no we have an answer for this
To return to being annoying: my electoral advice is to leave the Democratic party and start demanding a new constitution. It will be exactly as effective in 2024 as casting a vote and it has the possibility of doing good rather than just avoiding the most bad
I'm generally not doing regular posts but that was so funny that I forgot
lmao just saw a document where someone came in for hand pain and the primary diagnosis was "marijuana abuse", my man what's going on with you
I changed the server picture on my discord channel the No Fun Zone, it's new so we're not having fun yet but join up so we can REALLY start not having fun. Working to host a discussion on Marx's Critique of the Gotha Programme in August.
Join the No Fun Zone Discord Server! Check out the No Fun Zone community on Discord - hang out with 4 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.
I'm not defending Ken Klipp who is a careerist dipshit but we gotta get past "oh he wrote for grayzone obv he's bad", all of these left outlets from Grayzone to Jacobin to the one that Monopoly Man Jr ran, they're all compromised to some degree, it's not a useful criticism
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
the apocalypse is ongoing. it’s been happening since before we were born. if you’re waiting for some irrefutable tipping point to do something different; it’s not going to happen
LRT This is why I was yelling and why I'm not looking for "community" on here anymore. I thought I was around the people who were awake but this made me realize that I need to be more intentional
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
It's my fault for talking party politics, but honestly. Lay out your plan for attacking Trump about his mental decline. Tell me what you think is gonna happen. You don't think anything is going to happen. You just think that it makes you sound smart to excoriate the media for this.
One thing that's hard to get is that political philosophy is for the younger generations, and I think this entire election is really proving that to me. People are not interested in thinking or in answers, they want comfort.
The Epstein thing is the only thing that's happened recently that has the chance to sink Trump's case and even then we're still talking below 100%. People don't care.
This is what I mean by growing up. You cannot change this fact by being mad about it. This is not a thing that I think the guy doesn't know, I think he's aware of this, but it's such like... base level analysis that people treat like "Yeah he's right why doesn't it disqualify Trump?"
If you want Biden's "gaffes" or whatever to be a non-issue, then enough people have to declare that they will support Biden no matter what. Most Democratic voters do not want to do that, or at least want to seem like they don't want to. That's why his problems are political issues and Trump's aren't
If Biden said something like this it would spell the end of not only his campaign but his current tenure. It's just one of countless examples of insane gibberish from Trump that the press & Democrats are choosing to treat as an immutable part of the electoral landscape rather than a story or issue.
That's because Trump's gibberish very straightforwardly isn't an issue. For it to be an issue, it would have to threaten his support among the Republicans, which it will not. You can get them on TV and ask them, they will tell you. This isn't a game of like who scores more senile points.
If Biden said something like this it would spell the end of not only his campaign but his current tenure. It's just one of countless examples of insane gibberish from Trump that the press & Democrats are choosing to treat as an immutable part of the electoral landscape rather than a story or issue.
I am probably going to try to use likes less on here and just give less feedback in general. It makes me feel too bad to not get it in return, or to get less than other people for no real reason, so I'm not gonna engage in it.
Changed the display name. This one won't be permanent but I figured I'd just get a change in there
I changed the server picture on my discord channel the No Fun Zone, it's new so we're not having fun yet but join up so we can REALLY start not having fun. Working to host a discussion on Marx's Critique of the Gotha Programme in August.
Join the No Fun Zone Discord Server! Check out the No Fun Zone community on Discord - hang out with 4 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.
I know that people don't want to call for bans and shit cause it seems like tattling or whatever but she absolutely should be banned.
LRT Alsvid is a shockingly bad person.
LRT Alsvid is a shockingly bad person.
that image shows all of it: 1) user lying about my name 2) the paypal dispute, which I won 3) medication with my name on it, showing I am trans 4) alsvid saying she is friends with the person in question I can't make this any easier for you. 007bistromath is a mutual aid scammer. I promise. Okay?
OK, well would the rest of you kindly examine this? I am homeless. Alsvid's clique donated to my paypal then ordered a chargeback, starting a lengthy dispute process and trying to find my dead name. The user was named 007bistromath and is a close friend of alsvid.
Someone tell bluesky that if someone blocks me, it should stop notifying me about tweets further down in the thread. This idiot had the nous to avoid having me embarrass them and it's a shame that their work is undone by me embarrassing their friends. Let them whine in peace, I say.
Someone replied to me and apparently blocked before I could read it, which also means no one else can read it, so... okay
I don't generally respond to people directly because I don't think you're "gettable" and I don't believe in "the power of debate", I'm not going to debate you and especially not if you are just asking so you can disbelieve my response. I've been here before. Don't waste my time.