
Welp. As of this morning, it’s just me and the three kids for a week while my wife is traveling with her sister. We’re going to eat so much junk.
It's almost required to have one golden corral or CiCis/Stevie Bs night, no?
Pizza buffet is an excellent idea. But also it’s a balancing act. I can’t be too irresponsibly fun or else it makes my wife into a “bad guy” and that’s no good for anyone (me, it’s no good for me).
CJ is very strongly preferential and even possessive toward me to the point of pushing S away if I’m holding her and it’s starting to be a real problem.
All of ours went from mom-only to dad-only for a brief time too. It sort of rebalanced eventually but the rejection can definitely be a bit hurtful.
It’s bothering S a lot. I keep saying it’s just a phase but it’s been going on for months now.
Ugh, that’s hard to “fix.”