Jeff Schult

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Jeff Schult

Author, editor, journalist, technology professional.

#Connecticut #writers

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Day Four of the Friends of the Library annual book sale in Newtown, Connecticut is not really a "sale" day. It's a "free" day. My unashamed haul:
I vaguely recall a very brief time in my life, about 50 years ago, when I thought Stevie Nicks was the guy and Lindsey Buckingham was the girl.
I apparently can grown anything in my garden with the exception of tomatoes. The Great Spaghetti Monster does not want me to have red sauce. Inexplicable.
So far, what I've learned from watching "Resident Alien" is that it is OK to eat octopus if your dog murdered it.
So the president is a little bit above the law, and the Supreme Court is a LOT bit above the law. Above the law = Lawless.
I suppose I could blackmail my 89-year-old mom into not voting for Trump. There are all sorts of things I could do, or not do, that would make her life a living hell. But then -- I'd be Just. Like. Them.
It is possible I'd be willing to pay to keep A.I. out of my web interfaces. I have a nice, crisp $20 bill here. Microsoft? Google? Ball's in your court.
I'm not totally against artificial intelligence. It might be great if you don't have any other kind.
Don't haz pets. Has artz.
Reskeet with a banger pic of your cat. Or *A* cat. This site does tend to have a bias toward cats, which is understandable, as cats rule & other animals drool. But hey, you can post a pic of your dog. Or *A* dog. Or any fucking pet you choose - a fish, a hamster, a snake. Whatever. I'm easy.
Comatose Kennedys
Make a band milder Bikini manslaughter
From Indeed. com: Q: "How did you feel about telling people you worked at Mar-a-Lago Club?" A: "Embarrassed and stained."
My car is 30 years old and we're in roughly the same shape. So when people ask me how old I am I'm going with 30, in car years.
Old English wasn't old.
Reskeet with how old you are, by using a vague proxy: They wheeled TVs into my elementary-school classroom to watch Apollo launches... 🌕🚀
Wordle 1,087 3/6 🟨⬜⬜🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟨⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Anyone else notice an explosion of spam/follow-back/garbage posts and accounts in the #Discover feed? I've blocked more accounts in the last hour than I had blocked since I joined.
So A. I. high-level employees want the right to warn the world of its imminent destruction. Sissies. Fossil fuel company workers -- now they're solid and loyal.
Homophoniacs, ewe knight! Sorry, had to get that out of my head.
Wordle 1,076 3/6 ⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜ 🟨⬜🟨⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
So will there eventually be tribute bands for tribute bands? Nahhh, guess not.
The vocabulary word of the day.
So the Brits will vote July 4. A nice reminder for us cousins across the way about what a democracy looks like, and how long it should actually take to pick leaders.
Dictionary definition of Fascism: "A political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader ..." Stop calling them Republicans, MSM. Call them what they are.
Actually, I am pretty sure people like ads less than ever. You? See below for someone who thinks otherwise. “There was always this notion that people don’t like ads,” said Rita Ferro, the president of ad sales at Disney. “I don’t think that’s true ..."
What Happened to Our Ad-Free TV? Ads are here, there — almost everywhere — on streaming services now.
I bought a philodendron just to watch it die. --Folsom Houseplant Blues
If you DM me, I'll probably just be surprised. If it's a nice surprise I'll answer. If it's the other kind, I'll block. Simple.
I saw a Tesla cybertruck in person the other day. First time. It was in a senior living community. Elon's found his target market.
If I ever get to go back in time, I promise I'm not going to worry at ALL about doing things that will fuck up the present because, odds are, ANYTHING would help.
I wonder how many people die annually because they're trying to get their phones out to photograph something dangerous, instead of running away?