
My first real post on Scenes from a Slow Civil War, my new substack, a close read of Trump's post-conviction speech in view of his mutation in his own mind from Rambo to Scarface and now into horror movies.
Escalator Jury says "guilty," Trump says the horror, the horror
I’m less concerned now after the conviction. Have heard a few die hard R’s interviewed. “ bridge too far”. Those few are not voting for a convicted felon. I am more concerned about the voices on the right in our Congress. They are off the rails.
I wouldn't make to much of any response right now. Check back in a month, two months. Remember all that can change, and remember that Trump is locked in as the GOP candidate. As long as he's on that ballot, he can win, or worse.
Nice to see you. Still on Twitter?
I am. TBH, and I hate to say this, but it still functions for me a lot better than here. Not much engagement here, & more likely to get trolled by know-nothings who think they're left and think I'm not. That's what drove me off, when I got told Edward Said was a Zionist shill.
That is an interesting take, I have to admit. We're all sorry about the bespoke lefties here.
Said's famous "victims of victims" quote. To acknowledge that Jews were ever in any way victims, in the minds of some with a pretty shallow knowledge of Palestinian or Jewish history, makes one of the greatest Palestinian intellectuals a "Zionist," a term they also don't understand.
That term has become functionally meaningless in social media space
"Yeah, and Said also wrote a book that shows he doesn't get that 'Oriental' is *not the preferred nomenclature. 'Asian-American' please."