
Trump returns to Fox today. Strongman rhetoric from get-go, in response to q on how best to seek "revenge": "Lotta people said, 'We have no choice but to elect Trump, because he's only one who can withstand this." Basic fascist trope: Great Leader can do what mortals can't. 1/
Q&A continues as if everyone knows that the fundamental fight is America, as embodied in Trump, vs. "Intel," as in intelligence agencies, as in "deep state." By making it a given, Trump & Fox sweep their viewers into conspiracism as if it's simple as "they sky is blue." 2/
"Intel," Trump says--embodied for the sake of his "point" by Comey--is "evil... They were doing things I won't mention here because it's so conspiratorial." Cue Q; viewers choose their own "evil"; he & Fox knowsmany will think child trafficking. He doesn't say it but says it. 3/
"I say it and it sounds so beautiful," Trump says, " 'my revenge will be my success.' But it's awfully hard when they're so evil. These people are so evil." He's having it both aways: above the fray, & forced to take vengeance. He's selling the latter. 4/
"I could have done it," Trump says of imprisoning Clinton. Frames not doing it as the strongman's generosity. But now, he says, "I may feel differently." He's setting up violence w/ a story of his heroic restraint until he's forced to hit. 5/
Trump says he now knows who "fighting generals" are and who "woke generals" are--which is seriously dangerous civil war talk. Fox host Rachel Campos-Duffy almost jumps out of her chair: "Are you going to fire those generals? The woke generals?" Trump promises a purge. 6/
Fox & Friends closes by reiterating Trump's promise to declassify JFK, Epstein, 9/11 files. I'm fine w/ declassification; but focus on this trio gives us Trumpism '24's full conspiracist core, its completed mainstreaming of QAnon, just a booster rocket that's fallen away. END
I'm glad you read your thoughts here.
Arrg. That should say, 'I'm glad *to* read your thoughts here.'
Glad you’re back. We missed your voice. How do we as a nation address the corruption at Fox “News.” Can we force them to take “News” out of their name, since they clearly are not. And can we pass legislation that requires owners of media organizations live in the United States full time.
Thanks, but as much as I loathe Fox I'd absolutely and to the end oppose those moves.
2 broken first term promises.