
Hey, can I request a hype-up about my work? Not for any reason, it's just been a minute since I've gotten some kind words about the work and I would appreciate the boost. Sometimes you gotta be honest about what you need!
My time on Po1 was unfathomably delightful and makes me smile to this very day without fail. Easily my best guesting experience.
I've said this time and again. Making The City a character in Anyone Can Wear The Mask was an inspired choice. Communities are alive and deserve to be treated like a force that can shift the world.
Party of One is always a delight! And you deserve hype all the time!
I really love your work. I love listening to Party of one. I bought so many games because of you. 😅 I enjoy amfc but I am terrible behind. Lost somewhere in the backlog. And I think you are a awesome Gamedesigner. Anyone can wear the mask is a wonderful game.
Jonathan Frakes Wants Your Attention And You Must Not Give It To Him is a game I have played with easily a dozen different people during campaign skip-weeks, it's great And Party of One is one of the resources I use to find new games to play because you showcase them well
Po1 is extremely well produced, easily one of the best in the hobby. I got into listening when I was starting Dice Exploder just to see what the greats out there were doing, and I was directly inspired by a lot of your structural framework/format. Plus, you know, the actual playing part is great.