
Screech owl intensifies. Watercolor, pencils and gouache on 14x18 hotpress #SciArt #birds
I see I’ll be deleting and reposting often here, as I’ve grown soft from having an edit button.
Big and little prints available!
I love this! That swirling pattern in the wood is so nice to look at.
Aw, thanks Lauren! It was very meditative to work on.
Those soft curled owl feathers are very pretty, and the wood/bark painting is so gentle-it works great as a supporting background highlighting the owl
Thank you so much! I really enjoyed painting all the textures, very relaxing.
I’m a novice watercolorist (is that even a word? 😉). I’m curious how/why you chose to use the three media in your piece. I’ve dabbled using ink and WC pigment but not gouache. I’ll sometimes combine WC and water soluable colored pencils, but not confident in the media mixing.
It is a word! And sure, happy to share. A lot of my choices are about transparency and how easily the paint lifts. For this painting I started with pencils to create basic shapes and shading, then built up thin layers of watercolor for a soft underpainting. I added more pencil shading as I went...
I use watercolor for underpainting bc it CAN be lifted but not easily, and the buildup of layers gives it a velvety quality. I let the paper show through for lighter/white areas. I use gouache for white (here, the feathers) bc it's opaque and easy to lift if I make a mistake.
Finally I use pencil for fine details and gouache to make color pop. I sometimes use acrylic ink for underpainting bc it can't be lifted, but that means mistakes are harder to fix. Ultimately, it's up to finding what will give you the look you want (and what you have to work with). Hope this helps!
Thank you so much for sharing how you approach choosing and applying the different types of media! Inspiring! My only experience with gouache has been white for feather or fur details. I do want to expand on that some time. Perhaps with a project I've sketched and intend to paint: a cross fox.
Anytime! I love working with gouache and use it by itself quite a bit. It's very flexible, you can thin it down like watercolors or use it straight from the tube for a flat finish, and it's relatively easy to rework. I hope you get a chance to try it out. :)
Ah, the layering. Experimented with that on the recent loon painting I did (my home page). Will need more practice. :)