
Evergreen post reminder that your sketchbook is allowed to look like shit, it's meant to be a sandbox environment where you can just try stuff out without the pressure to crank out a pretty illustration🤠yeehaw scribble town
I always read these and nod along and think yes, yes, this is the truth. And then I still fuss over my own stupid sketchbook bcs it has to look nice bsc everybodys sketchbook looks nice.
I feel the same pull! All those pretty sketchbook posts are tempting haha 😅But! I also remind myself I gotta allow a space to scribble stuff in pursuit of trying something new or practicing using ref for things I'm getting too muscle-memory about or getting an idea on paper etc 💗
That’s when you maybe have a “nice” sketchbook (that never ends up getting filled LOL) and another “trash” sketchbook that you’re allowed to “ruin” I usually have cheap sketchbooks or scrap paper for messy sketching, so I don’t get too precious (plus a whole shelf of barely used “nice” sketchbooks)
Bcs of this discussion I got motivated to drag out a cheap sketchbook I got as a gift with a newspaper sub 10+ years ago and start using it as trash sketchbook. Thanks! I have plenty of half full nice ones, time to make a bad one.
Mine are cheap ass spiral bound notebooks my dog occasionally sniffs and sits on
So true, sketchbooks are meant to be something you can do whatever you want. For me it's important to have a private sketchbook that's just for me to see
also! you're allowed to have more than one!! Different sizes, different paper, keep one in your car!
Yes! Variety! I have a tiny notepad in my bag that goes everywhere with me for if I get a comic idea on the go haha
THIS...I live by this. My sketchbook has unfinished scribbles & drawings that I did take my time on as well(only coz I was in a zone and the pencils/inks were looking and feeling good). Rough concepts and ideas with explanations as well...