
I didn't intend for it to read like a call out. I have husky we found stray who wasn't properly socialized to people and is a terrible pet and dumber than a sack of hammers. We only kept her because our catahoula mix (who was an owner surrender at 9 months because he was a terror) bonded with her.
His prior owner failed to train him and couldn't manage him once he was full sized and brought him to a shelter. Like a normal not-so-great pet owner. The husky had a collar and wasn't spayed when we found her, so had, at best, a neglectful owner. But neither crappy owner shot their difficult dog.
And I even have some sympathy for the prior owners. Neither have been easy dogs, and the husky now has degenerative myelopathy and craps all over the house and lays in it and eats it🤢 and we got her a dog wheelchair and she bites us when we hook her up even though she loves it.
And we don't have much of a bond with her because she couldn't care less about people. And while I could imagine having her euthanized and there were times we were scared enough of the catahoula that we reviewed whether it was wise to keep him....
I am quite certain that I don't know anyone who could shoot their own pet dog. And I know (and an even related to some 😒) people I think are shitty dog owners. I already thought Noem was garbage.
This is shocking, but not very. That she *put this in a book written to gin up support for her candidacy as VP* tells me more about where she (a psychopath) thinks the GOP is than it dies about her. And I'm guessing she has a better grasp on the pulse of the GOP than I do.