
Half of my Twitter timeline is people freaking the f out about that one Biden quote. How will you feel if Trump becomes president? Ok, "as long as I gave it my all." Good, smart, thoughtful people who are terrified of the end of democracy and the rest.
In the context of that segment of the interview, it tracks a lot like acknowledging he'll accept the results of the election. The actual quote ends with "that's what this is about".
I wish he hadn't provided that soundbite, but Stephanopoulos seemed to me to be trying to convince him to drop out rather than interview him, shooting him down or interrupting whenever he provided a responsive answer.
I can imagine that context. It isn't the way a spectrum of folks took it as they watched. (I'm not saying they're right.) I'd be a lot more comfortable if Biden stressed the democracy-erasing nature of a bad outcome vs. a referendum on his legacy. Personally, T as president feels life-threatening.
He did mention the threat Trump poses at length.
That's good! I hate how this has gotten so personal! And, ageist and ableist! Unfair and abusive. I also feel he is having real problems and, like happened with Reagan, his staff should've protected him much better. Different timing, rules, structure for that debate = not a debacle.
I'm old enough I remember 1988. The man is a mumbling, fumbling gaffe machine and that's *not* new. I don't think he's demented. Probably exhausted. Exhaustion fucks up cognition and that's *for everyone*; for some it may be more obvious than others to the outside view. But much like some drunks...
are very good at *appearing* sober, it doesn't mean that they are safer to drive than the guy with the lampshade on his head. Basically, no one should be working 16 hour days. It's not a matter of stamina. Data shows the work product deteriorates no matter how functional you are.
Campaigning is a full time job and Presidenting is an overtime job (unless you have 4 hours of executive time for tweeting every day and golf at the club all weekend). Maybe we should have a process for one or the other that doesn't require a President to do both at once.
They shouldn't have agreed to the debate. He should have done a town hall, and when asked about declining to debate pointed that Trump didn't see fit to debate any of his primary opponents. Move on to "there's nothing to be learned from a liar and a felon".