
Electing a president is about making a choice for the future, not the present. You are literally saying "I think this person will be better for the future."
Someone’s forgetting which administration moved the US Embassy for Israel to Jerusalem
Speaking of enabling and endorsing a particular Israeli government
Does the physical location of an embassy have anything to do with arming and enabling a genocidal rogue state? Asking for an Uncommitted voter.
Yes. Jerusalem was supposed to belong to no nation. Putting your Israeli embassy there is as good as stating you believe it is Israel’s despite the investment other countries/religions has there.
is moving an embassy worse than genocide?
I was talking about how a Trump administration would not have given a shit what is happening in Gaza.
so that makes it ok for Biden to aid the genocide, does it?
Let’s make that number 14356th of things I never said.
That was a question. Is that your answer?
The original argument was why not vote for Trump because the genocide happened under Biden. I was implying that given Trump’s past actions,that is not a serious comparison, that many enabled Israel up to this point.
not one single person said anyone should vote for Trump
Again I was responding to a specific “but Trump” post implying no difference in how m and Biden and then putting all is the USA’s past and present influence and enabling at Biden’s feet.
In those exact words, no. But it's not hyperbole to say that doing everything to keep Trump OUT of office is the greatest priority in this election, greater than boiling a choice down to one issue however huge an issue it may be. Not voting for either candidate benefits Trump and his agenda.
And I oppose it a don't think a wanna be dictator crying about blood purity will make anything better.
No, Jenn. The distraction is "do you think Trump would be worse!?!" Biden is currently enabling the genocide that is currently occurring. There is no "theoretical worse." There is a "this is unacceptable and will lose the election to Trump you fucking fools."
I’m sorry, you think this is the only point to consider?
so why'd you bring it up when i was talking about the unacceptability of Biden supporting genocide?
I was responding to a Trump vs Biden scenario, not if genocide is bad. And the suggestion this wouldn’t have happened under Trump is laughable
no part of the Trump vs Biden scenario said anything about voting for Trump so I'm still confused where you got that idea from for someone who took such umbridge with me supposedly putting words in your mouth you certainly love cramming them into ours
More like a distraction from and a desperate attempt to both sides the unavoidable reality Joe Biden enabled and continues to enable the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
i just want them to see what Biden is doing is unacceptable and then ACT that way
"His hands are tied he had to enable genocide, what do you want Trump!?!"
I'm curious as to what shows that biden gives a shit about the genocide. I know what would show he gives a shit, stopping the arms shipments and getting troops on the ground to get the aid into Gaza.
And? Joe Biden is currently enabling genocide.
Yeah what would it be like to have an administration that doesn't give a shit about Gaza huh