Jeremy Morris

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Jeremy Morris

That Russia bloke from the other place
I think I'm done. Just finished reading a hot and 'timely' elite uni press book and it's super well-written but one of the most vacuous things I've read to date. I was specifically asked to review and for the first time I'm refusing.
If you're into prole whispering without the sentimental lib handwringing just know that I already did this with a different nuke-equipped large country.
Latest Levada 'support for the war'. Moscow support - 56%. Small towns and villages - 35%, 30%. 'Surplus populations' and 'internal colonization' spring to mind. Also... 'Moscow is not Russia'. Maybe we should be saying 'this is Moscow's war'?
Allowing myself this one, in this place, given how pessimistic I am in the other place.
Haha. Fuck off, you cunts.
Reposted byAvatar Jeremy Morris
Lewis Mumford, from "Technics and Civilization" (1934) 🎯
Finally, a mainstream treatment of the amazing ethnographic work being done by Public Sociology Lab in Russia. Let's hope more mainstream press pick up on this zany method that's also a social science. /sarcasm off
Reading Morrison. Really brilliant. Now on Perovsky expedition. Ignore the Qazaq guides. Set off in winter with camels that cannot tolerate frost. Don't take enough fodder or clothing. Shoot the Qazaq guides. Lose most camels and 1000 men to frostbite. Maybe the 100k litres of vodka was to blame.
Looks like Elmo on *the other site* shadow banned Nafo replies. They now are flagged as 'suspected spam' and it's funny they've been put on a par with nude replies. Couldn't happen to a nicer troll subculture.
Meanwhile in Elon-land I got unfollowed and QT shamed by a very important polprof who thinks it's a serious criminal offence for people to put cornflour on some stones outside.
Olga Tkach on 'Elastic Neighboring', in Space and Culture 2024.
Now reading Wheeler 2021 on how after Aral Sea's fisheries dried up, they imported refrigerated pollock by rail to process and re 'export' to rest of USSR which no one wanted and so still made losses. Chapter 2: 'Seeing like a bureaucrat':
Nice to see colleague Liviu Chelcea mount a fighting withdrawal defence of the term #postsocialism in this recent piece "Goodbye, post-socialism? Stranger things beyond the Global East", Eurasian Geography and Economics
As usual, Russia the vanguard with its 'First Department' embedding spies in unis from the get go. Remember that when you read bleeding-heart liberal pieces from former rectors and their colleagues now in the West.
EU wants spies on university campuses to fight Chinese tech The bloc is urging researchers to take steps to secure their work against foreign interference.
Uk soon to kill right to protest. My book argues Russia is a vanguard - not only in terms of state repressive capacity (copied in part by UK), but in terms of resistance too. In the future, W Europeans are going to have to learn from Easterners about how to contest repression without legal protest.
Reposted byAvatar Jeremy Morris
MAY DAY with a big red flag is how I feel to be included in this new Handbook of Labour Union, edited by G. Gall. Abridged versions of chapters are available. Full author version on my site
Gaslit by schizoanalysis discourses: Russian security services person: 'We're done for. By the end of 2024 we'll have no one left. No one is volunteering' US think tanks: 'Russians are recruiting 1000 volunteers a day will roll up the Ukrainians in Donbas.
Russian liberal scholars since 2022: 'Jeremy, you can't deny the reality of public opinion' Russian liberal scholars in 2024. 'This poll is BS because I don't like it' [what kind of society would you like to live in: Red is socialism, Grey is 'don't know']
Finally found a reason to quote Tim Snyder! On the Night Wolves bikers of all people. Predictably my cite is to say: 'he's not even wrong'! "The public spectacle of the Russian invasion was provided by a Russian biker gang that served as a paramilitary and propaganda arm of the Putin regime."
Thanks to Kathryn Cassidy for recommending Ian Buchanan's recent book on Assemblage.
Putting easter-eggs into my book MS in the form of references to NAFO. Nothing snarky, just how it resembles the Russian social media obsessions I follow.
A great measure of how ridiculous the Twitter temperature is the comparative engagement I get there when I comment on an anglo geopol piece (10k clicks) versus a much more interesting Ukrainian lang piece on society (1k clicks).
Loads of discussion of this in the other place. My take: you can't take seriously a negotiating party that send Medinsky. It's good to get more detail, but at the same time there's too much retroactive apportioning of motive.
The Talks That Could Have Ended the War in A hidden history of diplomacy that came up short—but holds lessons for future negotiations.