
us: hey it might be cool to get on the front page again our partner rep: i got fired 3 years ago twitch: we got you. we can put tony robbins on there for some reason. 👍
i know that you cant swing a dead cat without hitting a sexual abuser on a streaming platform but it feels like a different kind of malpractice to promote scam artist tony robbins to the front page so he can talk to 3000 children on summer break
sounding like someone who doesn't realize the game has changed smh
do you think he's played Gollum
i actually think hes the exact brain type to be able to enjoy a putrid fetchquest because thats what he thinks life is. he would say gollum could become the king of rohan if he worked harder
This is twitch’s way of telling you it’s time for Tony robbins week
Putting on my Habsburg Jaw cosplay and starting a 12 hour stream from a Holiday Inn Express hall virtual set.