
It's not unusual for me to not-love a widely revered movie. It's rare for me to be THIS much "How could this get released?" or "Heaven's Gate? Ishtar? Plan 9? Nope!" as I am about The Fifth Element, which I just saw. Totally astounding to me that anyone could not despise this staggering awfulness.
THERE ARE DOZENS OF US! DOZENS! I saw that movie in the theaters and exited it a blinding rage that I’d spent $12 on it. The most egregious waste of talent I’ve ever seen. Apparently Besson wrote the script for it when he was 14, and I gather he didn’t revise it so much as once before filming it.
Somewhere around the 4/5ths mark I found myself muttering under my breath: “don’t say love. Don’t say love. I swear to fucking god if you say love I’m burning shit down”
It absolutely boggles me the degree of love people have for that heap of nonsense. I get that it does interesting things with production design, but that’s simply not enough for me to enjoy sitting through a movie for two hours.
Had not known it was "revered" anywhere but in this house we think it's a barrel of laughs. Plus: Gary Oldman, among the most evilly laughable! (And yeah if the writer was 14 that makes sense.)