
When I attended school in New Jersey, I was tempted to ring Ditko up and meet him. Im glad I didn't, as we wouldn't have had much to talk about. Fascinating man, and clearly not the crouch Lee made him out to be.
He probably was to Lee & people he didn’t care to be in the company of, but outside that was generally pleasant.
I dont doubt it. I also think he preferred not to constantly have to step away from his work to entertain others ( I can relate). Besides, I was a 20 year old who loves Spider-man and thinks Rand was nuts. I doubt I was the type of conversation he'd be able to stand...
The reason to meet him was too superficial. "I loved the Master Planner storyline". Get in line, kid. At that age, I probably wasn't interested in Ditko the person or even his later work. I wouldve been the type of person hed want to avoid.