
Right-wing legal talking heads are focusing on arguing that it is RIDICULOUS to say that a second-term Trump will be empowered by immunity to do horrific things, while carefully preparing to argue in seven months that it is RIGHT that Trump do horrific things which aren’t actually horrific anyway.
Would it be about accurate to say that the immunity decision still allows Prez actions to be struck down as illegal/unconstitutional, but OTOH POTUS could just have those judges killed?
i think that's the thing that galls me the most... SCOTUS has set itself up as the only arbiter whether any particular act is official or not, so regardless of what Congress and the president enact, THEY decide whether a president can be criminally liable. AND, you know that....
if there's another impeachment, someone is going to argue that nothing the president did constitutes a high crime or misdemeanor... because it'll be argued an official act, and SCOTUS will be the only entity able to rule one way or the other... so impeachment will turn into a SCOTUS case. it's...
a travesty of an opinion. the way these opinions have been written, Bruen included, my irrational thought is that it's as if they're authored by the FedClerks and not the justices, and forced published by some kind of leverage over Roberts, K, G, T, and A (though some need less leverage). slimy.
Why do you think they have to be blackmailed? These guys were nominated because they are true believers in Republicans being above the law. Nixon, Bork, Reagan, Bush, Trump. It's a straight line of crimes and resistance to consequences.
because at least Roberts has given hints that he's worried about how "his" court will look, historically, and if it will be seen as legitimate. so, i'm wondering what's countering the shame in putting out a ridiculous opinion like these. Fear seems likely, and bribery is one counter to fear.
Roberts postures for the press, but fully believes in the fascist cause. His true opinions are there in the recent decisions, striking down the rule of law itself. Anything else is just acting.
but how do they benefit from a fascist cause? they're all already on the Court, and we know K just wants to hang out till death, Thomas just wants cash, and Alito is all about petty grudges... like, i know why billionaires want fascism, not so sure about scotus judges. leverage? insanity?
put it this way: i completely understand why foreign interests would want to destabilize the US economy via political means, or even just nudge it closer to how China is run. i don't see how a US citizen in power, like a scotus judge, would risk the same thing via violent sudden shifts like these.
It gives them pleasure to see people they hate suffer. It cements their power for the rest of their lives, ensuring they will never be in the minority feeling powerless again. And yeah, they'll get the riches that leaders always get in a kleptocracy.