
366 Day Music Challenge #178 A Song That Makes You Want To Dance: ELO, “All Over the World” Not the official video, but I'm a SUCKER for these flash mob dance videos. And this song is PERFECT for it. I love ELO, always have. Used to rollerskate to them... ♥️
E.L.O (Electric Light Orchestra) All Over The Tribute to all Flash Mob's All music and images belong to their rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended.
There's no gif for the divinely ridiculous costume montage from, "All Over the World," sadly, but at least there's a Gene Kelly one. Xanadu is one of the first movies I really remember being taken to. Also my first soundtrack album. I love it unironically.
I was OBSESSED with that movie when it came out. My only excuse is that I was 12.
I was 5. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen and I wanted to be a Greek muse when I grew up.