
Why am I the MOST EASILY MANIPULATED human?! I don't need a limited edition purple stream deck! I don't care if it's limited edition! Or purple! I already have a tiny stream deck! I bought a new one that I haven't even got working! I BARELY STREAM! I didn't buy it, but I checked the price; WHY?!
You're not easily manipulated. You saw cool shit that you would have bought had you not just bought functionally identical but aesthetically different cool shit. This is actually a perfectly normal feeling. The problem is if FOMO makes you buy shit you don't need with problematic consistency.
I do, though. Frequently. Always followed by buyer's remorse. I bought that 2nd Stream Deck because they touted its ability to do things my tiny one couldn't, which would be fine if 1. I streamed more than, like, 4 times a year at this point, and 2. I could consistently get it to DO that thing.
Have you considered deciding which of your two steam decks you would rather have, keeping one, reformatting the other and selling it privately to get some return on investment? Also just because you made an unnecessary impulsive purchase doesn't mean its a problem yet. We all do that now & then.
I will ultimately do that & send whichever one I don't need to a friend who does, or that's the plan. But I need to get the new one to function first.
As for unnecessary impulsive purchases... I have a craft room full. If you like we can instead refer to it as a multitude of projects I just haven't gotten to yet.
Is this craft room impacting your ability to afford necessities such as utilities, housing, clothes, food, communications, transit, and your usual standard of entertainment?