
that article about "rawdogging" long plane rides. first of all, are men remotely ok? second, I've flown more long hauls than most people and I can sit perfectly still for 12 hours minus some stretching and peeing time because I comfortable with my own thoughts.
I'm a cis guy who's travelled long-haul since childhood, & who either conks out in an hour (to this day I don't know what turbulence actually *feels* like), or I listen to music, read, look out the window etc, I was a bit concerned confused about that "rawdogging" (first, ew) article.
The need to macho-fy something, anything, is just disappointing insecurity.
Step one in flying tactically: MAXIMIZE… So weird. But it’s likely these people weren’t alive in the ‘90s or before where you had to just sit there. For hours. All the time. Maybe there would be a highlights magazine. MAYBE!!!
they used to have these things called books that was like a kindle for every page stacked on top of each other.
long flights are already like a stationary sun dance of pain for many of us so any entertainment or distraction is very welcome. voluntarily making it worse?.. people really are something.
jillian sigma af
in man astrology it’s like being an alpha, but more independent, mysterious, lone wolf type. at least as far as i understand
oh yeah that resonates. I’m an only child with no close family except my mom so I think that influences it too