
We need to create a holiday in August with merch to help hold back Halloween
The fact that holidays is all these places care about is the depressing part...apparently peace and quiet from the holiday craze isn't profitable enough for these companies.
I wouldn't even be nearly as annoyed by this if Retail comps would stop trying to erase Summer from its stores for Halloween. They seem to have this huge problem with staying relevant to the times, and they are notoriously eager to get rid of Summer as soon as July hits. Pisses me off all the time.
I get annoyed because when I am ready to do a little Halloween decor shopping in late September/early October the stuff is mostly cleared out because Christmas stuff is already taking over the space. Let me shop in season a bit so I don’t have to plan 5 months out for a cute plastic decoration
Exactly my point. Like, for fuck sakes, the last thing anyone is thinking about is Halloween. Maybe the anti-social cultists on social media who perpetually hate on Summer, but they're a loud minority at best. It's just exhausting how companies act like it's not Summer anymore when it clearly is.
I really mean it when I say I wouldn't mind Halloween stuff in the middle of July if they didn't rid of the Summer stuff in doing so. Literally no reason they can't have both...but no, all Halloween junk the minute July hits. Then social media acts all shocked when everyone outside tires of it.