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Star Trek fan, amateur WWII historian, comic nerd, miniature hobbiest. I used to care a lot about politics, but I’ve given up now. Don’t tell me who won. It will spoil the ending.
@jamesgunn.bsky.social - PLEASE make this a Peacemaker joke in Season 2!
Why does God hate Buffalo so much?
Hi @hodgman.bsky.social ! My wife and I are really enjoying Medallion Status. We just finished Vacationland. Definitely looking forward to never visiting Maine’s beaches. Anyway, thanks for your continued writings! It’s a very useful benchmark for my own aging process.
I don’t know that a “I got to genocide on my own” parallel development defense is what’s called for here. I was more worried about the genocide. Not the plagiarism. But we are where we are I suppose.
Trump repeats anti-immigrant tirade, denies reading Hitlerwww.politico.com "I never read 'Mein Kampf,'" Trump told a crowd in Iowa.
I stand by what I said. 🤣
Nothing weird about this at all, evangelicals. 🧐
Religion and politics shouldn’t mix like this.
The dumbest Senator now says he’ll only oppose military promotions if he disagrees with the politics of the applicant. And the media is covering it like “good for you, Tommy!” Not the least bit chilling. Quit failing, “liberal media.”
It’s only “Artificial Intelligence” if it comes from the “It Would Do What It Wanted To Not What You Tell It To Do” region of France. Otherwise it’s just a “Sparkling Difference Engine.”
At least once a month I find myself thinking “it’s a real kick in the 🥜 that we don’t have Douglas Adams anymore. He’d know what to do.” Days like today make me really appreciate @neilhimself.neilgaiman.com stepping into that gap.
Bluesky is a great place for breaking news on those rare occasions when someone feels like posting something about it.
This is the face I make when I order a Coke and the server asks if Pepsi is okay.
At the intersection of “fuck around” and “find out” we discover…
@mlm1393.bsky.social Welcome to our private chat app!
So…where did we land on GIFs again? Personally I say Bluesky should be strictly ASCIImojis. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How the MAGA crowd sees Andrew Tate.
If I get to 9 followers that’s all of Bluesky, right?
Reposting this bit of brilliance so I can find it later. You may see me posting spreadsheets here as well for the same reason. 🤦🏼‍♂️ I have the memory of Dory when it comes to digital storage locations.
What are some other things that never happened that we can get the Supreme Court to rule on?
End of feed.