
While I am really happy with my new place, I am also really scared about affordability while living here. My previous place was a lot more affordable and had a second bedroom so I could get a roommate if I needed to. As a disabled person in semi-precarious work, I fear for myself over the long term
I make a good wage now and I am very skilled but the only reason I can work full time is because of the accommodations I have in my job and the task-based nature of the work that largely allows me to shift my hours to when I have energy to work on tasks
Even without my disabilities, without a degree getting a job with similar pay would be difficult, with them, and needing extensive accommodations? I really worry
if accommodations were gone i would be dead in a week. I feel this in my bones.
I really don’t know how I would get by
Hard not to feel scared or worry, when we're so at risk. Housing and food instability are always just a minor increase away, throwing our finances into total disarray. Combined with the lack of supports and the hoops we have to go through to access them 😔 Best of luck 🙏🤞🏽❤️
I hear this. I am in the process of selling a house i bought before I became disabled. I'm able to work for now but not at a great wage. I couldn't do a more demanding, better-paying job. I have to work til I'm 70 at least. I can't afford to retire. My body better hold out.
I’m sorry to hear this. My work can be very demanding but because it comes in bursts I have some time to recover after the most intense times. It is still really hard tho and takes a lot out of me.