jack flowers

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jack flowers


normal man
just finished @ryangrim.bsky.social's new book. trying to understand how to feel about the whole left-dem project, but i sort of left it with more questions.
i love when europeans name ramen shops after anime characters
thinking about an R.A. Lafferty story that meant a lot to me when I was like 25, about successful older people who don't understand the kids these days. The kids all kill themselves, and you have a guy communicating with his daughter by pulling messages out of her body which has turned into sawdust.
the new chapo is helping me process reality more than usual today.
liked it better when the only thing i could see on this website was AOC and chelsea manning chatting with each other
woo found an osteopath yesterday who thinks she can fix my running issues, but that it would take like 2 months. would rule if she is correct. for some reason a lot of focus seems to be on my jaw. I am now convinced that it is much more coupled to the rest of the movement chain than i realized.
watching Kemonozume today. Pretty cool show. It's the first one Yuasa directed, and I am really enjoying seeing how his unique style looks like when he presumably had a much smaller budget.
something kind of weird that i am feeling tonight. the prose-poem biographies are my favorite part of the USA trilogy https://rickrozoff.wordpress.com/2013/02/18/john-dos-passos-on-randolph-bourne-war-is-the-health-of-the-state/
as a longtime accountless twitter lurker, i used to read it by just scrolling the profiles of people i thought were interesting. that stopped being possible for about a month, and now is again. however, tweets are now arranged in order of most likes rather than chronologically.
i love random german peanut butter branding. making a sandwich this morning and my options are "bill and john the peanut bros" or "peanut revolution". obviously everything else on the jars is in german
too many internet nerds on this website
not terribly patriotic but I wish I knew just one english person i could mildly bully in this small german town.
i also used to play a lot of dominions 5. i would like to again, but i don't because it takes over my brain and destroys my life. but i was really good. 9 games joined, 5 won, 1 lost, 3 everyone quit due to drama or the game going on forever with no winner in sight.
i used to play a lot of nethack. it is good that i don't anymore, because games are bad for my brain, but the main reason i stopped was because only my barely-functional 2012 laptop has the necessary num pad.
well as of this morning, I can't view twitter without an account, so i hope more interesting posts find their way here.
https://www.theverge.com/23753963/google-seo-shopify-small-business-ai I thought this article was interesting and relevant to some stuff I've seen talked about on here. I dunno how the internet should be organized, but the google "x + reddit" thing is the direction i am vaguely pointed at
The store is for people, but the storefront is for robotswww.theverge.com Selling real things to real people means writing a steady stream of nonsense text that only web crawlers will ever read.
losing respect for left media people i like by logging on here and watching them do mediocre jokes about whatever the news puts in front of them.
I often get angry when I think a certain aesthetic decision just might be AI. Need to resurrect Borges so he can write a Pierre Menard about all this. I certainly haven't figured it all out.
well i was hoping maybe i could share dumb thoughts with my friends on this website, but none of them are here, so instead i am just reading the chilled-out takes and mediocre jokes of a bunch of left-media people i like to read, which i guess is alright. maybe i should just make an instagram.
End of feed.