
Hitler passed a law called the Enabling Act to legalize his dictatorship. The GOP's Enabling Act is Project 2025. SCOTUS is letting us know they will rubberstamp it when the time comes. No one is coming to save us. We are the cavalry & our vote, en masse, is our power. Get in the fight to GOTV.
The nice thing is that we have this info before deciding who the next president (the first to be voted in knowing he is apparently a king) will be; I pray we make use of it.
The Enabling Act in fact built on a provision in the Weimar constitution (Article 48) which a number of leaders used to rule by decree for short periods; it contributed to the people's cynicism about democracy, which of course also helped Hitler. I hope it doesn't come to that in the US. Good luck!
I hope voting is enough. No doubt GOP plans on stealing this election. Think about all the voting rights restrictions they put in place, purging voter roles. Now they have the courts on their side. I’m thinking that civil war they’ve been talking about since 2020 is what it’s going to come down to.
Of course they have Plans A, B & C to steal the election. RW militias are drilling now to intimidate voters on Election Day. Voter rolls are being purged. So check IWILLVOTE-DOT-ORG regularly to see if you need to re-register & have new obstacles to deal with. Vote early if you can. Turnout rules.