
The Trump arguments at the DC Circuit (over the gag order) have begun. Trump's lawyer is up:
FYI: The panel is Judges Patricia Millett (Obama), Cornelia Pillard (Obama), and Brad Garcia (Biden), and it's not going well for Trump's lawyer, D. John Sauer.
Ooooof. Sauer: "I cannot think of a violation that would not violate the law." Sauer is basically saying that there is no gag order that could issue aside from criminal law violations.
Millett is OVER Sauer. Garcia is extremely skeptical. Pillard is thinking about the opinion (and SCOTUS?). Sauer is (1) not answering questions and (2) interrupting the judges repeatedly. All is going well.
Millett & Pillard's nominations by Obama - without doubt, deserved ones - were the ones McConnell decided to block to pick the fight over filibustering judicial nominees. It became a lame excuse for him to kill it for SCOTUS nominations, but had Reid backed down, the Trump-judge pool would be worse.