Jason Morningstar

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Jason Morningstar


Creative Director, Bully Pulpit Games
In scholarly news, Mátyás Hartyándi and Gijs van Bilsen cite two of our games: The Climb and Perfection - in their article "Playing with Leadership: A Multiple Case Study of Leadership Development Larps" in the most recent issue of the International Journal of Role-Playing. #TTRPGs #larp
View of Playing with Leadership: A Multiple Case Study of Leadership Development Larpsjournals.uu.se
Sinking Ship is doing a whole season of larps this fall and it is such an interesting approach to presenting this material. @randylubin.com and I wrote a game that is invariably excellent and will involve a boat ride to the place where Hamilton got got. www.sinkingshipcreations.com/post/larp-se...
Our 24-25 Larp Season - Coming to New York!www.sinkingshipcreations.com This fall, Sinking Ship Creations returns with a six-event season, showcasing top designers from around the world. Each larp will be staged
The article on the modern origins of the D20 is really great y'all. The first polyhedrals I ever say came in an acrylic box imported from Japan.
The latest Analog Game Studies issue is here! Peter D. Evan tells the Japanese origin of the modern d20. Neal Baker pores over 50 years of Gen Con event data. Sabina Belc and Joseph Dumit demonstrate how games can serve civic education. Check it out! analoggamestudies.org
Analog Game Studiesanaloggamestudies.org
In our latest #Patreon, Sam Dunnewold has graciously offered one of his games to our patrons, and it is a wonderful piece of work! We Three Shall Meet Again is a 3-player asynchronous journaling game about three witches cursed to share one body.
Get more from Bully Pulpit Games on Patreonwww.patreon.com creating Tabletop and Live Action Games
Sam Dunnewold and I collaborated and it was a fun and rewarding process that resulted in a really cool game! You can listen to us nerd out about it here: podcasters.spotify.com/.../Designer.... The game itself is available through the BPG Patreon here: www.patreon.com/posts/northf...
Thinking about trials and courts-martial, and wondering why there are not more larps that use the very dramatic format of film and TV trials. So as an experiment I wrote a court-martial larp, and it sort of got out of control, and now I have a 67 page court-martial larp for 6-16 players.
This month is "the month of Sam" over on the Bully Pulpit Patreon! This week there's an interview with me, next week is a game I made with @jmstar.bsky.social, and later in the month is a new game of mine. The BPG Patreon is so reliably good, and this is (ahem) a great time to check it out.
Get more from Bully Pulpit Games on Patreonwww.patreon.com creating Tabletop and Live Action Games
Save the date: June 8-16! V Simpósio de RPG, Larp e Educação is a FREE online event promoted by the Federal University of Alagoas in Brazil. There will be lectures and workshops on how #TTRPGs and #larps can be used as educational tools. Watch the thing on YouTube!
V Simpósio de RPG, Larp e Educaçãowww.even3.com.br O V Simpósio de RPG, Larp e Educação é um evento online e gratuito promovido pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas, com palestras e workshops sobre como os...
Running @grahamwalmsley.bsky.social Cthulhu Dark tomorrow night, the scenario Sukakpak by @jmstar.bsky.social I don't usually for these games, but put a bit of effort in on the old FoundryVTT front for this one, looking suitably bleak.
I assume there is a supervillain named Primordial Pouch
Playtesting a new larp, the leaders of a star empire decided to unilaterally emancipate and enfranchise all the machine intelligences, including the one specifically built to blow up stars. To be fair, they did make it promise not to do anything bad. The guy playing the star-killer: I PROMISE?
There's a real small gap between LET'S DECIDE and LET'S DEICIDE is all I'm saying
There is a new game up on our Patreon! Did you know that you could join for FREE, or upgrade for as little as $1 monthly to access exclusive benefits: exclusive posts and updates, direct one-on-one connections, and more.
The Terrorists - A Game With Great SEO | Bully Pulpit Gameswww.patreon.com Get more from Bully Pulpit Games on Patreon
Lizzie Stark and I just published our latest larp, The Gooseberry Marriage, which is everything you'd want in a Wodehouse-inflected comedy of class and manners. Great for 6-12 idiotic players, playable in 3 hours or less, and full of gay romance. sixofhounds.itch.io/the-gooseber...
Thanks to my local crew for always being up for playtesting weird games. Tonight we carried out the regicide of Tsar Alexander II.
The good people at Skeleton Code Machine wrote a fascinating article about narrative design vs. resolution mechanics in #TheSkeletonsRPG. Give it a read and let us know what you think! #TTRPGs www.skeletoncodemachine.com/p/the-skelet...
The Skeletonswww.skeletoncodemachine.com Exploring narrative design vs. resolution mechanisms in The Skeletons
I'm playtesting my Regency Desperation hack this weekend! I genuinely have no idea if the third act will work or not, but I'll find out by playing.
It's a game set on some hell planet (or Iceland) and part of the game is that there's a sheet of paper on the table with IT IS RAINING on one side and IT IS FREEZING on the other and anybody can flip it at any time. So you don't forget you're on a hell planet. Or SANDSTORM/IT IS ROASTING etc.
My friend Robo got a hurdy-gurdy and now I, too, want a hurdy-gurdy
The more I make games the less interested I am in cool mechanics. The current rubric is "does this address uncertainty in a more useful way than flipping a coin?" and if not, it gets binned no matter how clever it is. The bin is full, my friends.
A few years ago I partnered with an academic in Management to present a paper on using games in their curricula. Out of the blue I just got invited to serve on a peer review committee for Management Science papers and I am so tempted to say yes to this ultimate real life larp.
Jaakko Stenros and Markus Montola's new book, "The Rule Book: The Building Blocks of Games" was just released (for free!) from MIT Press direct.mit.edu/books/oa-mon...