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✨cartoonist / knight in smiling armor / currently LOOKING FOR WORK! previously: A24, CN (Craig of the Creek)
[email protected] /
i am FREE from my current gig. as i was laying down to sleep last night i had a passing thought about the seemingly endless grind that was this production, and then i realized. i dont have to do it anymore. i dont have to fucking die!!!!!!
guys i dont know what happened but i fell in love with gale. guys help. guys, he writes poetry. guys, he's a girlboss. guys? guys????
my gig is ending soon and while i will be doing the ritual 'looking for work' song and dance, i am also going to lean so hard into being unemployed for a bit. im going to become such a fuckin gremlin, man. after how stressful this current job has been, i think i've earned it LOL
i finally beat bg3 last night!!! it was so awesome.... game of the decade for real. ok time to play it 4 more times ^_^
i am in the shit now with astarion's quest and im like gnawing off my Fucking Hands dude. i just cannot get over the laser precision with which this character has been concocted in a lab by the most engorged brained individuals
baldurs gate 3 update: still obsessed!!!!
its been so long since a video game has like utterly consumed me to the point where i wish i could be playing it every waking moment of my day LOL but baldurs gate 3 has done it. im ensnared
more ffxiv doodling, this time my friends' wols :)
ive posted my ffxiv char a couple times on tumblr but im still not sure if i want to share them with my main twitter lol. but you guys get to see these doodles of them i did last night :)
AHHH hi :) i went on a very nice vacation to nyc and ate so much and also walked 34 miles woo woo best city in da world
one of these songs in this spotify-generated vkei playlist for me is not like the others
hi everyone tell me about your favorite OC of yours :)
i am being HAUNTED by embarrassing things ive said in the past week/years/my entire life lately. i'm so sorry @ everyone for speaking, ever,
the delicate balance of drinking my coffee at the optimal window so that i do not end up hyperfocusing on the wrong thing when the caffeine hits
working with the craig of the creek crew will always be stick in my mind as one of my happiest memories. we had a wrap party last night and it felt good just to be around everyone again ;o; im gonna miss the impeccable vibes
i just heard that twitter's making tweetdeck verified only but also making the userface shittier looool. tweetdeck was literally the only thing keeping that site useable. its over for real girlies
i mainly stopped posting on twitter because between like, 2015 and now, twitter became intensely hostile and unenjoyable. it felt like a switch flipped where it didnt feel like i could talk to my friends and peers like a normal person anymore lol
End of feed.