
lol 🤣 I suppose it doesn't really matter, since I am voting 3rd party or independent candidates all down the ballot.
It does matter when all is said and done, though. The consequences could be pretty jarring.
Eh, there is no lesser evil between D and R.
There is, but you’ve already chose and this internet stranger is not going to convince you otherwise. Let’s hope if the wanna be fascist comes into power again, the courts have enough sense to not allow project 2025 to come to full fruition. For ours and the world’s sake.
No, there is not. However, only one of them has bypassed congress to supply weapons used in a genocide. So, you definitely dont want that discussion with me. You dont even realize they are both fascist, as is the system here.
Yeah ok bub. Like I said. We aren’t going to agree and you somehow think both are equal which, to my mind, is absurd - but I’m sure you think the same. We’re not going to agree, and I am going to avoid responding in kind with such a melodramatic tone.
They are equal. It's hard to top the evil of helping facilitate a genocide. Just go away.
I’ll make it easy on ya, kid and just mute ya. Bye
TY, I wish you would have done that to begin with. Would have saved me some time. 👍