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Not given to self-description, Late Boomer, much of the Pop Music I was raised to revere is less than mediocre.
I know that we only have so many preordained clicks in life and when every response in the other place is met with a "like" from a bot? There goes another wasted meaningful interaction!
Of course I miss the "notifications thrill" that often comes with posts on the other place, but when they're not from Jane14529563, I can deal with the loss...
Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Old/New friends on this optimistic platform!
Avatar Lots of nice products here, maybe the smell of the open sewer which characterizes the other place won't be so strong (are you able to block annoyables here?)
Avatar Have you departed the other place because you're no longer in "my circle" of most followed accounts? Oh well, if you really were a "voice on the radio" once, it would have been interesting to hear. Good luck in all your endeavours.
Avatar Happy Birthday to you over here then, also! Take an extra hour for yourself tomorrow!
So much for running conversations.
I'm getting the sense that if you reply to your own post to continue a thought, almost no one will see it, and that one has to, more effectively, quote-post oneself. Or is that just me.
Not going to let IClouds get in my way as I post to Bluesky!
My congressman, Andrew Gabarino, is holding back on voting for Jim Jordan by supporting my old congressman, Lee Zeldin.
Repost with a fictional character on which one bases one's personality (1st one personality, 2nd one style)
Repost with a fictional character on which one bases one's personality (1st one personality, 2nd one style)
So glad to be here and hopefully not have to mute all of the bots. Looking forward to hashtag games, even if that betrays me as an old fart. I must also make my presence know on Mastodon but Reddit and Discord are going to take some work...
Here we are in a roomful of strangers! Let the unnoticed wit run free!
End of feed.