joe rae

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joe rae

technically an engineer
it's annoying and heartbreaking when I spend time in the outdoors and come across litter, but it's a different level of environmental crime worthy of felony punishment when that litter is a Busch Light Peach can please don't panic. it's in the recycling now and can't hurt anyone anymore...
it's a hot one today. figured it was a perfect afternoon to get out in nature to cool off by the creek and get some good bonding time in with my emotional support beer
as a beautiful summer evening draws to a close here in my little corner of the globe, I just wanted to take a moment to wish all creatures that share our planet peace, happiness, and to live a long and fulfilling life except for those gnats that keep flying in my ears. I want you bastards to die
I'm not sure who needs to hear this but if you're ever shackled by lust, Jesus is not a very good safe word
End of feed.