Joe Stoner

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Joe Stoner

Public servant, musician, occasionally hilarious
Rudy is no longer allowed to totally landscape during any seasons
Found the biggest jagoff in my city
Today I participated in online conversations and have concluded that the Poster’s Life is not the life for me. Just a lot of people who seem to have gotten their degree in “the government” from social media and cable news dot com
NYT: Here’s Why That’s Bad For Biden
As someone who lives in Albany, I feel like it’s pretty much my sacred duty to make some steamed hams tonight before looking at the aurora borealis from my kitchen window
I do my best proofreading in the three seconds after I hit sned
Excuse me, is this new info about James Comey being in a meeting at trump tower?
Someday, maybe soon, trump will literally shut himself in court and we will all long for the innocent days of yore when we wondered if he merely farted in court
The Democratic Party flipped a congressional seat in New York, here’s why that’s a bad thing for democrats
Am I a bluesky elder now or am I just old
What exactly does “identity politics” have to do with it? And last I checked, the democrats in congress worked with the previous speaker to avoid a government shutdown only to hear him blame them for his troubles the very next day.
David Gregory on the Republicans' speaker mess: “How long are Democrats going to stand by in the world of identity politics, and zero-sum politics, and not be part of any solution?”
CNN's David Gregory blames Democrats' adherence to "identity politics" for Republicans' speaker
I’ve got a list of potential band names from a podcast I used to cohost, and I don’t want them to go to waste. Who needs a band name?
If I could choose one thing to change about twitter, I’d remove really useful information from links
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The flag of my people
End of feed.