Joe Sudbay

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Joe Sudbay

Mainer in DC. Host “State of the States” on SiriusXM Progress
Oliver has been working with a new trainer and is exhausted from being so good
One thing that gives me hope is talking to state leg candidates on State of the States Focus this week is North Carolina where Dems are going to break GOP's extremist supermajority Spoke with Evonne Hopkins (HD-35) then State Rep Lindsey Prather (HD-115) SAT @ 12p ET
Have to be pretty fucking craven to tell women, lgbt people, immigrants, POC, Seniors etc that Trump winning is fine by you Very Craven to take millions from Dem donors and orgs in 2024 when you plan to run for Gov as Indy in 2026 Golden is Kyrsten Sinema level craven -- and they are best pals
On my show, State of the States, this weekend, focus is Pennsylvania State Senate as Dems work to take the majority Talk to two candidates running in VERY competitive districts: State Rep Patty Kim from SD 15 (Dauphin Co) and Jim Wertz from SD-49 (Erie Co)
Sotomayor's dissent in State Dept v Muñoz is worth a read. She explains how the majority is coming for same-sex marriage. They are And she lays out the complications faced by US citizens who marry undocumented immigrants. Biden took action on that this week
On my show, State of the States, I talked to two terrific candidate running in newly competitive State Senate districts Sarah Keyeski from SD-14 then Jodi Habush Sinykin from SD-8 Gerrymandering enabled WI Republican extremism. Now they face voters who aren't handpicked
Great news from Florida, Carlos Guillermo Smith is only candidate on November ballot in State Senate District 17 - so he won! In 2022, then State Rep Smith was targeted by DeSantis and lost Now he'll go back to fight the GOP in Tallahassee as a Senator! Congrats to Carlos and Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈
So many in the media debase themselves when it comes to Trump - and many in the Capitol Hill press corps did their part Funny. Jokes. Gotta get those "scoops"
The AP deleted this 10 seconds after posting probably the most debasing thing a news organization has posted in 8 years
On my show, State of the States, I talked to NY Assemblymember Danny O'Donnell, retiring after 22 years We met at 2004 Dem convention as Bush was pushing constitutional amendment on marriage Started there and tracked progress and backlash since 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
on my show "State of the States" this weekend, I got to catch up with three previous guests who won special elections this year: FL State Rep Tom Keen, MI State Rep Mai Xiong and AL State Rep Marilyn Lands Rep. Keen and Rep. Xiong will have very competitive races this fall
Here's Oliver on National Rescue Dog Day He came to us via DC's Humane Rescue Alliance as did his predecessors Petey and Boomer
It's really happening! Over Portland harbor tonight
On this weekend, we dig into Ohio on State of the States. I talk to two terrific candidates running for open State Senate seats: State Rep. Willis Blackshear running in SD-6 and Sue Durichko running in SD-24 Channel 127, first airing at noon on Saturday
“No, nobody would ever want to publicly say that”
If you have, check out State of the States this weekend Had great conversations with Nicole Ruscitto running in Pennsylvania SD-37 where Dems can take Senate (meaning Dem trifecta!) and Safiyah Jackson in NC House District 37 to help Dems break GOP supermajority noon ET
Oliver. Just because
Arizona Republic: NEAR-TOTAL ABORTION BAN IS LAW "The state Supreme Court's ruling puts a stark choice before voters: Choose the new reproductive rights measure or watch abortion policy turn back to the 19th century."
We've lost a legend Thank you David Mixner
on my show, State of the States, I talk to Nate Douglas, running in Florida HD-37 (Seminole/Orange.) Nate is terrific and working hard to flip this seat Iowa State Rep JD Scholten digs into Republican rollback of child labor laws - that really is a GOP goal noon ET
Two bald eagles on Portland Maine waterfront today!
Today is International Polar Bear Day (as might know) I went to see polar bears in Churchill Manitoba back in 2010. Stunning experience. Amazing animals Hopefully, they survive. I once asked Exec Dir of Polar Bears International what we can do to save them. She said: vote
This week on my show, State of the States, the focus is Arizona. Rs control Senate 16-14 and House 31-29 - and are pushing extreme election and anti-immigrant bills Dems are fighting back and preparing for elections. Great conversations with Sen Hernandez and Rep Ortiz
Betty White, upper left, gave my parents quite a scare this week. But she's now home again with her pals, Rosie, upper right, and Oliver (tho she and Oliver have a sometimes complicated relationship tbh) Betty White (she came with that name) and Rosie were senior adoptees. Give a lot of joy
well, well, well look who is pleading for money after her "Republican colleagues" ditched her border bill Sinema, who ditched the Democratic Party, wants money to send her back to DC cause she's mad at her Republican buddies Not just mad. She's Furious!
That is the case for Oliver too. He had many other names and answers to all of them. Or at least I pretend he does
On State of the States on this weekend, I talk to Jim Prokopiak, running in PA HD 140 special election on 2/13. PA House is 101-101, Jim's win secures Dem control Also joined by Jess Piper of Blue Missouri & “Dirt Road Democrat” podcast host SAT @ 12p ET
Guest hosting Mornings with Zerlina on today 7-9 AM ET Look forward to talking to Jonathan Larsen from The Fucking News, then ACLU Deputy National Director & Director of Equality Divisions Maribel Hernández Rivera + NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman
I'm guest hosting on this week from 3-5 PM ET. Today, look forward to talking to in 3 PM hour and in 4 PM hour we'll have a few things to discuss