John Attridge

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John Attridge

Associate Professor of English at UNSW | Modernism, novels, specialisation, media, bildungsroman &c | Chair Australasian Modernist Studies Network
Authors should be held accountable for the crimes their characters commit. I'm sorry but it's the only way they'll learn
And by "rizz", of course, I mean the process of "letteraturizzazione", or literaturisation, that befell the rhetorical tradition during the Hellenistic period
How it feels to use an em dash
My body count? You mean the number of paragraphs between my introduction and my conclusion?
Me: I would like to see a list of everyone who works in the English department please University website: our easy to use faculty directory is organised by shoe size and hobby
Thank you for your email. My conception of time is qualitative rather than quantitative and cannot be reduced to a spatialised series of instants. It is hard to say when I will respond
One of the great things about academia is that good scholarship is more important than fancy connections. I vividly remember the night my friend and mentor Jacques Derrida told me this
Oh, you think you can dance like no one's watching?
The date range for this project reflects an important historical break between what I am basically familiar with and what I don't know anything about
Every friend group has that one guy who is an individual rather than a type and whose consciousness is used to focalise the narrative
Hey man I just cited your book. Really looking forward to reading it one day
Is know...*mimes typing one sentence and taking a little break* an academic
Nice inner life you got there, be a shame if it turned out to be an emergent property of matter
(Gaslighting my reader) as I have argued consistently throughout this essay
Is there a doctor on the flight? Specifically a PhD in English literature? A passenger is angry about an evil character and we need someone to explain how fiction works
Hey man just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed opening your recent article in a new tab
Me teaching: each paragraph should have a single main idea Me writing: my argument here is ninefold
(At book club having only read the first sentence) I thought getting the flowers herself showed a lot of courage
Some of these new Proust translations seem a little loose
What are your favourite "ice-maker" exercises (strategies to re-establish social distance when classes have become too relaxed)?
Hello yes this is more of a narcissistic personality disorder than a question
My teaching philosophy is panpsychism. I posit that material objects possess consciousness and as such I include them (chairs, tables, whiteboard, etc) in our class discussions
2pm: ok time for a productive afternoon 3pm: the whole day is over and life has no meaning
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the real higher ed story NYT will never touch
Now would be a good time for someone like to ask this small, entrenched set of consultants how much public money they've made by advising drastic cuts to public Universities over the past few years?
I am become reply all, destroyer of inboxes
Thanks to AI we can now know what Georges Perec's La Disparition would have been like if he had used the letter e
Can anyone recommend some new music? For context I mostly like music that is familiar and comforting and was meaningful to me at an earlier stage of my life
Students are much less well prepared for university than when I started teaching. How can they expect to appreciate my cultural references if they lack even a rudimentary grounding in 1990s Hollywood cinema?
Born to read for the plot, forced to trace the formal imprint of intractable ideological contradictions