John Halski

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John Halski

Of Counsel, Ryan, Swanson & Cleveland, PLLC — Trademark attorney, vinyl collector, film + concert goer, part-time jogger. All posts are mine alone. he/him/his
I’m saving this tweet for posterity. Even if the take is ultimately correct, that the DNC maneuvers were overly cautious, it’s really something these days to write off “vague legal risks” … especially on the strength of the assurances of Republican politicians. Is our journalists learning?
When a trademark attorney needs the Examining Attorney to understand that a word can have multiple different meanings, and the most obvious one isn't necessarily the only relevant definition for descriptiveness purposes...
I implore everyone to ask themselves this question: Can you say with a straight face that your political party condemns political violence in *all* its forms, and not only when its members are on the receiving end? If you have any hesitation saying yes, NOW is the time to change your affiliation.
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Project 2025 is a comprehensive plan by former and likely future leaders of a Trump administration to remake America in a conservative mold while dramatically expanding presidential power and allowing Trump to use it to go after his critics. Here’s what it entails and how it could reshape America.
What is Project 2025? It’s a blueprint for what a second Trump administration could look like, dreamed up by his allies and former aides. Here are some of the proposals.
For the “smarter minds” here … How do you address the problem that the message “we need to find a candidate that people are enthusiastic about” hits a wall of people who are enthusiastic about the current candidate? Telling people they need to be excited but “no, not like that” seems like a loser.
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Criticizing journalists is not only not illiberal, it's necessary. Arguing that the press shouldn't exist or should be restrained by the state (which is the Trumpian position) is illiberal.
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Read this, share this widely
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
The Englishmen Who Went Up Hills But Came Down Mountains
Ruin a movie by making it plural: LaLa's Land
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If Biden said something like this it would spell the end of not only his campaign but his current tenure. It's just one of countless examples of insane gibberish from Trump that the press & Democrats are choosing to treat as an immutable part of the electoral landscape rather than a story or issue.
Here is what I think happened to the Beltway Press and most of the major newspaper editorial boards... They convinced themselves that Republicans supporting Trump *no matter what* is the exact same as Democrats opposing Trump *no matter what*, and therefore the two sides are morally equivalent.
"Can't you just shoot them." *Which" Democratic candidate I am voting for in November is a formality. There is simply no other sane option at this point, and it has nothing to do with what the Dems do or have done. The alternative is a psychopath empowered with immunity.
Clearly as the Founding Fathers intended.
Breaking News: Manhattan prosecutors agreed to delay Donald Trump’s criminal sentencing to weigh whether the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity should void his felony conviction for covering up hush money paid to a porn star.
Manhattan Prosecutors Agree to Delay Trump’s Donald J. Trump’s lawyers want to argue that a Supreme Court decision giving presidents immunity for official acts should void his felony conviction for covering up hush money paid to a porn star.
I’m suddenly stuck thinking about how today’s media and pundit class would’ve treated FDR’s health conditions during WW2, and how little it seems those same people truly understand the crisis that is facing American democracy now. Maybe the “follows,” “likes”, and “subscribes” just aren’t worth it?
I’ve seen enough and I’ve decided to formally withdraw my support for Biden as president of the Debate Club. With that important issue behind us, I suggest we focus on whether a convicted felon who previously attempted to overthrow the government should be given a second chance to end democracy.
Absolutely fantastic #INTA Annual Meeting so far. Great turnout, great Atlanta dining, great to see so many colleagues and clients in one place!
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Quite the five-justice (of seven) concurrence in today's California Supreme Court opinion about whether police had reasonable suspicion to detain an individual who refused to interact with police (as was his constitutional right).
Trademark scams are numerous, and scammers will try to prey on your unfamiliarity with TM law. Your defense against these scams begins with knowing a few TM basics. And when in doubt, reach out to an attorney that you trust...the kind that doesn't rely on scare tactics and fraudulent invoices!
Beware of Trademark Scams: 3 Essential Tips to Protect Your Intellectual Property - Ryan Swanson A troubling scam has recently emerged in the realm of trademark protection. These scams specifically target...
Murphy’s Pub is one of my kids’ favorite places in the neighborhood. If this Wallingford institution is going to close for some apartment development, my boys might just get to participate in their first protest.
To each their own, but the "pointlessness" of the framing is one of Nolan's best decisions IMO. A lesser film would've made the obvious points about the global impact of the bomb. But that's not how humans operate. We fixate on how major actions impact our own little worlds...and that's the problem.
I like Nolan's work but Oppenheimer was... just okay. It was too long, pointlessly framed around a governmental hearing of modest consequence, and it had too many absurdities, such as the mid-sex flipping through Bhagavad Gita to land on just the right passage.
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In 1862, enslaved South Carolinian Robert Smalls hijacked the Confederate supply ship he worked on, steered his family to freedom and delivered the ammunition-laden vessel to the Union. He went on to become a state legislator and five-term congressman. Via SC Daily Gazette
Lawmakers want statue of Black Civil War hero Robert Smalls COLUMBIA — A bipartisan group of South Carolina legislators wants to add a statue on Statehouse grounds commemorating Civil War hero and lawmaker Robert Smalls.
Tossing this one out to the constitutional law experts out there ... can the Legislators of the States direct the appointment of Electors limited only to those who commit *not* to vote by Ballot for a person who engaged in insurrection?
My son has asked whether either of his parents (both of us lawyers) “do any good in the world”, like firefighters. I’m going to read this article to him tonight and close with “and none of this would’ve happened if a TM attorney had stepped in to shut things down!”
A Few Jelly Beans and a World of Disappointment at Willy Wonka Families traveled to Glasgow for an event that claimed to channel the magic of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” They got a couple of jelly beans.
TM scams are on the rise. If you've received an unsolicited message regarding your marks, whether they claim you have an upcoming deadline or that someone else may be claiming your mark, talk to a lawyer you know and trust before you do anything. More from the USPTO:
Caution: Scam Don't be fooled by potentially misleading offers and notices from private companies.
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I call it "rainblow." (A migrating gray whale from two days ago near San Diego.) Happy World Whale Day. #marinelife #whales #rainbow
This is your daily reminder to *secure the key domain names for your brand* or else be prepared for some mischief…