
Like, we all know the stakes are high, we all know the margins are far thinner than they should be. Most every regular poster on here is a high-info voter type. Just constantly yelling "we're all going to die" at each other for weeks seems ... unhealthy. And counterproductive.
But there's a uniquely repetitious, harp-on-the-worst aspect to social media (esp maybe here) that strikes me as uniquely toxic. I'm not closing my account, but I did just delete the app from my phone/iPad. Feel like this place is not going to be all that good for my mental health for a while.
Europe isn't going to take in 150,000,000 US refugees. Running somewhere else isn't a real solution. But going into a (possible--still merely possible!) second Trump term with zero emotional strength left bc of months of doomerizing seems ... really bad to me.
Can't argue with any of this. It's a reaction to wanting to do something and having painfully limited options.
Yeah, I'm definitely sympathetic to that! It's why I can't stop doomscrolling myself, and had to physically remove the app from my phone to stop (and wish there was a way to make it so certain apps could be re-downloaded only if a third party enters a password).
But nobody is giving up. We're arguing over the best strategy to beat Trump. This is the opposite of giving up.