
Decarceration in the US has been almost exclusively a Dem-voting county endeavor, despite rhetoric abt bipartisanship. In a sample of 27 states (holding ~75% of the ppl in prison), Democratic-leaning counties were responsible for ~90% of the decline. And ironically, CA makes the GOP look good:
If we drop CA, which adopted a massive state-level change no other state attempted, then ... in my sample of 27 states, ALL the decline is driven by Dem-voting states, since on net GOP counties pushed prison pops up (tho their urbanest counties saw drops). The net GOP decline is a CA-GOP decline.
I define a county's Dem-vs-GOP-ness by the average share of the vote the Dem POTUS candidate got from 2008-2020. I'm sure there are other ways one could do this. I'm skeptical that they would change the fundamental results here. Decarceration is local, and it's not bipartisan.
(Also, dumb typo: their share is 74% in 2009 and 78% in 2019, which has to be the case, since I also said their rate of growth was LESS than the national ave, so obv their share of the overall pop has to grow, not shrink.)
Also, this is great data. Thank you.