
The #Sustainability Index 🌎

🌲 #Environmental #News & Guides about sustainable Products, Companies & their impact
✅ #AI, #Privacy, #Parody, Journalism, #Politics, #Pacifism, Animal Rights, Cleaning nature
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Happy sunshine
Happy sunshine
here for the news
كل صورة لها قصة ولهذا السبب علينا أن نحب بعضنا البعض.🇦🇪🇩🇪🇺🇲🇬🇧🤴🤴🏊🏊🦅🐕🤲🌟
Marilyn Munster
Marilyn Munster
Looking for signs of intelligent life. 🐕 Dog lover, 🏜️ Desert Dweller 🌵 Peacemaker ✌🏻 Happily married 💍loves a good night's sleep and a good remodel project. Always looking for Sasquatch. 👀 Meme thief extraordinare. Keep up the good work resisters!
Editor, Writer, Curriculum Developer; Chicagoan from Texas; mom to high school kid; valet to and feeder of cats; admirer and petter of dogs; very reliable voter who thinks Biden has been a solid president, actually.
Jean Jaurès was a French socialist leader assassinated by a right winger on the eve of WWI because he opposed war.
Only a broad anti-fascist coalition will defeat Trump and Trumpism.
Leftist & St. Louis Cardinals fan.
Was TomP at Daily Kos and Twitter.
Adrian Randall
Adrian Randall
he/him 🦄🏳️‍🌈🔞 Multiclass bureaucrat/scientist/husband. 📍Capital Wasteland. Alignment: gay antifascist. Star sign: none. Of course pronouns in bio, where else would I put them.
Jenny willson
Jenny willson
Bavid Dowie
Bavid Dowie
Creative IT geek. Just waiting for the world to return to sanity.
Ian Lance Richardson
Retired teacher of history & politics. Passionate about UK & US politics. Walker, love nature & heritage. Msnchester born. & raised, lived in Yorkshire for past 40 years.
New Leibniz
New Leibniz
Econophysicist, opera lover, traveler in time and space. The background picture shows Lorin Maazel after conducting "The Girl of The Golden West" at his farm in Castleton, Virginia in 2013.
Dave B 🇪🇸 (FrostyVeldskoen)
Dave B 🇪🇸 (FrostyVeldskoen)
I try to photograph nature, mostly birds & I'm having fun with it.
All my own photos ©
You can find me at
Is Mise Leenie 🍄
Is Mise Leenie 🍄
Aka Celine | Passionate about wildlife | Nature photography enthusiast | Dub in Offaly | #TáGaeilgeAgam | She/Her/Sí/Í | All pics my own work, all views my own
End of list.