Jonathan Hassid

Jonathan Hassid

Political scientist

Interested in symbolic power, China, and the media

It would be surprising indeed if my views corresponded with the official views of my employer.
An unelected 9-person super-legistature with lifetime tenure is bad enough. One full of literal insurrectionists is intolerable.
Speaking about immigrants, Trump said just today that “I don’t know if you call them people. In some cases they’re not people, in my opinion." Ugly stuff, but maybe it sounds better in the original German?
Those Republicans looking to be Trump's VP pick are certainly politically spineless, but they do show a degree of physical courage. After all, Trump attempted to have an angry mob kill his last VP pick...
Trump can be the world's most successful pop star if Mike Pence has the courage
The Claremont Institute should have an honest look at its name. Is "The Fascist Institute to Train Future Incompetent Dictators While Milking Gullible Billionaires" too long?
I am declaring my candidacy for the GOP presidential nomination. Does my exemption from all civil and criminal prosecution start now, or do I need to fill in some paperwork first?
A regular dictator is bad enough, but a dictatorship led by possibly the world's worst living human is intolerable
We should really establish a precedent according to which we refrain from ever taking seriously or giving the benefit of the doubt to any politician who will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. And it’s fucking nuts that this needs to be said as late as 2024.
GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik won't commit to certifying the 2024 election results “We will see if this is a legal and valid election,” she says. 2020 was a legal and valid election; Trump’s lawsuits failed; Stefanik (plus 146 Rs) voted to toss Biden electors.
GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik won't commit to certifying the 2024 election “We will see if this is a legal and valid election,” Stefanik, a member of House GOP leadership and a Donald Trump ally, said in an interview with “Meet the Press.”
"We must ignore the 14th Amendment, because if we follow the Constitution then Trump supporters might get mad" is not a very compelling argument
Failing to punish past insurrectionists is a great way to encourage future insurrections.
End of feed.