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Democrat all day, every day..

I just call 'em as I see 'em..

You follow me, and I'll follow you..
On July 4th, 1987, Trump arrived in Moscow as a guest of the state. He was lodged in the KGB-run "National Hotel" and given Vladimir Lenin's personal suite, a suite the KGB had bugged. He was in Moscow with his first of thee wives - the daughter of a Communist official.. The beginning of the end?
Alexander Hamilton: “Man is either governed by his own laws - freedom - or the laws of another - slavery. Are you willing to become slaves? Will you give up your freedom, your life and your property without a single struggle? No man has a right to rule over his fellow creatures”
Ride with Biden, or die with Trump..
A group of 20 Democratic governors emerged from a White House meeting expressing full support for President Biden. More of this please..
Blast From the Past.. “Unbeknownst to almost everyone, the major Taliban leaders and, separately, the President of Afghanistan, were going to secretly meet with me at Camp David on Sunday” On the anniversary of 9/11 no less..
Trump calls off secret meeting with Taliban, Afghan WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said Saturday he canceled a secret weekend meeting at Camp David with Taliban and Afghanistan leaders after a bombing in the past week in Kabul that killed 12 ...
Bernie Sanders: "At a time of massive income and wealth inequality, billionaire control of our political system, and major threats to the foundations of American democracy, it is clear to me that we need real Supreme Court reform"
If you wanted further proof that Trump must be defeated by any means necessary this November, the MAGAstrates on the Supreme Court just gave it to you..
"No man is above the law" I must have misread that..
So, what about "official acts" Trump didn't take? Like calling off his rioters? Not calling in the National Guard?
Reposted byAvatar jonbandit
"Biden’s issues are fixable. Donald Trump can’t fix the fact that his biggest problem is being Donald Trump."
MSNBC is in the bag for Trump, because they need Trump. The majority of their programming is centered around him. Think about it...without Trump, what would anchors like Nicole Wallace talk about for two-hours?
Reposted byAvatar jonbandit
The revealing thing is... All MSM is caring about, that a Potus, who has to deal with such crises (Ukraine, Israel war, which could explode, etc) and is working 24/7 on this, is tired But not, that a convicted felon, who lied about everything during the debate.. Is responsible for these crises..
Each person is given a dial. You can turn it up as high as 100. If you love what you are hearing, turn it down as low as zero if you hate what you are hearing, and every time Trump opened his mouth, those dials dropped, they just absolutely plummeted..
Trump’s Debate Numbers Plummeted With Swing Voters Every Time He Opened His While the media is obsessing over Biden’s age, more data is emerging about just how terrible Donald Trump’s debate performance was.
A Record: The Biden campaign raised $27 million on Thursday and Friday. The hour after the debate ended was its best grassroots fundraising hour since Biden kicked off his reelection campaign.. Trump's campaign reported collecting $8 million on the day of the debate.
Reposted byAvatar jonbandit
Somebody better tell the Democrats that the enemy is not their fellow Democrats !!
Democrats need to get back to campaigning against Trump, and stop campaigning against President Biden. No good can come of it..
Rick Wilson: "Trump remains an existential threat to democracy, the Republic, the Constitution, and our fundamental liberties, in addition to being a fraud, a liar, a felon, a degenerate, a sexual assaulter, a global embarrassment, and an ally of evil. The race is still between America and Trump"
The Supreme Court ruled that district court judges are more qualified to decide complex matters of science and technology, which means, Judge Cannon could be deciding whether what you eat, drink, breath, drive, or fly, is safe..