
Also someone who has never been on the wrong side of a social policy. He will, in his imagination, never be enslaved. The family he thinks he will raise in peace (hah) will never be torn apart by his alleged owners. He will never be disabled and put away by his family so no one will know about him.
He will never be a ten year old forced to give birth, or a woman bleeding out in a hospital parking lot. He will never be a battered woman who cannot get a divorce from a man who she suspects, rightly, will end up killing her.
He will never lose his job and find himself unable to feed his family. He and that family will never have to live in a car after they've been evicted. His children will never be drafted and sent off to die in a pointless war. He will never be shot by a police officer for looking suspicious.
If you assume that nothing bad will ever happen to you, and also that you have no reason to care about those others to whom bad things do happen, you can write as though politics does not matter. You can even write the passage in the screenshot, if you assume you'll never be a dissident or a Uighur.
We should be like Communist China. Perfect July 4th message.