
Hm. There’s a weird triangle here that would only makes sense to me considering 1 city I have crazy rich history in and 2 cities I’ve only ever driven through but am connected to only through tangential means. What an odd but strangely accurate quiz.
The way this lines up almost perfectly with all the army bases I grew up on as a kid 😮‍💨 I've never stepped foot in Florida, though
This test always NAILS where I’m from because there are some hyper specific words I use!
I guess I have been living in Maryland for long enough that it might have rubbed off on me, but I grew up more in PA and Ohio, so somewhat accurate, I guess.
this quiz was able to pick apart that my stepdad skews slightly more new jersey, my mom skews more nyc and I skew a little more new england we all originally grew up in the city