
Speaking as an art professor, my students already tell me that Google image search is functionally useless and we all know AI is shitbiscuits and unregulated regardless. This is escalating into chaos
Well this is grim
I had a hard enough time trying to get very basic earth science concepts through years of BS some of them had drilled into them. I can only imagine how hard this will be to fight given it is far more wide spread and accessible. Not to mention the level of authority many students will apply to it.
this! people keep assuming kids don't (eventually) think for themselves and figure out how to get good info. and frankly they are correct to question older adults, who have not had the sheer experience with disinformation their whole lives, as The Kids Today.
This is also a calculated effort to normalise disinfo. This is the end goal of the enshittification of the world wide web. And to pay for access to it in all its broken features.