
It's fascinating how accurate this is. Hence, largely cishet dudes favoring canons, a 'natural' order, proper hierarchies, & established traditions who also use these for power/position and oppose any intrusions in 'their' spaces being politically right-wing/reactionary ain't no coincidence!
It's a huge part of why we're where we are now. The (especially older) men feel their natural ownership and default position in media is slipping but don't have the same creative capacity to deal with it maturely, so they lash out at the threat. The woke mob "taking" from them and changing tradition
Like, I don't want it to be 1:1, but anecdotally EVERY single time, without fail, whether someone hated or loved TLJ has told me what their political leanings will be, broadly speaking, or vice versa. It's almost disappointing how...predictable it is.