
First Google recommends using paste to make the cheese stick on pizza based off some shit post probably, so this person makes a pizza with paste for a post on Business Insider and I am excited to see what happens when this gets run through the cycle again
Google AI said to put glue in pizza — so I made a pizza with glue and ate Google's AI Overviews suggested adding glue to pizza sauce. I tried it. And ate it. Here's what all this tells us about the future of the web.
this 2017 story was my favorite version of that in the old regime: "this guy complained about people lying about how to caramelize onions, and it's a highly-rated article, so we'll pull quote the part he's explicitly calling a lie"
(my screenshot is from Wayback; Scocca's Google screenie is now gone when I view the Gizmodo page, which is... not great)
Behind a paywall, so I guess I'll go to my grave never knowing how gluey-ass pizza tastes. My life is ruined.