
The claim that Biden “lost” the race because of a bad debate is still searching for evidence. The way such a claim has shaped news coverage monolithically is pointing at deeper, more structural flaws in the industry.
Keeping all the pundits who got everything wrong since 9/11 on the payroll has had a noticable ripple effect
Haven’t there also been a bunch of polls since the debate that show Trump pulling further ahead though?
No. At best it was a few points but none have been outside the margin of error that I’m aware of. And the big NYT/Siena poll that claimed a bigger effect over sampled conservatives and had like a 6% MoE. If this was a real change in the electorate we would have been able to measure it conclusively.
I hope you’re right.
I honestly don’t know if I am, but neither do the people confidently declaring that a last minute swap will somehow fix things. This is a problem and artifact of elite groupthink, not heightened civic concern.