Joanna Ware

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Joanna Ware

Jewish Liberation Fund Executive Director. (Views my own.) Educate, agitate, organize, repeat. Philanthropy rabble rouser. | CA-raised queer Jewish (mixed Ashkenazi/Sephardi) femme. RT =/= endorsement.
Reposted byAvatar Joanna Ware
If you are good while the Books of Life are open between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, Santa HaShem sometimes gives gifts like this graphic, with the words gamar hasima tova — the confusing mishmash of advisors happening here, I can’t even— But we will soon spin the existential dreydel of atonement
Hahahaha too perfect
Reposted byAvatar Joanna Ware
Hello Jews of Bluesky. If you would like to be included in the new JewSky Plus feed repost this! And if you ever want to be removed from it, undo the repost!
End of feed.