John Forkbeard

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John Forkbeard

Academic, dad, podcaster (, nerd, old-timey grognard, and the kind of liberal Fox News warned you about
Reposted byAvatar John Forkbeard
Where did we leave things? Oh yeah. Klaufi had been killed and Karl was ready to step into the spotlight. See how all of that goes for him in this thrilling new episode of Saga Thing - Svarfdaela Saga. This one has everything you want from an Icelandic saga! Listen on your favorite podcast app
This afternoon, I set aside time for grading student work, and then made the mistake of putting Tom Waits on the stereo. Now I'm grading while trying to decide which of my friends are most likely to come pick me up in an old sedan and go out for an afternoon of regretting life choices and whiskey.
Avatar Just listened to the last episode of QQ, and wish to offer "prepfallen" as a portmanteau to cover Daniel's requirements.
I use a spray bottle marked "anti-barking water" to discourage my beagle mix from baying at people passing the house. He hates it so much I don't actually need to spray it--I just show it to him and he shuts up instantly. Now I'm considering an appropriate equivalent to bring to committee meetings.
Reposted byAvatar John Forkbeard
Playing around with Microsoft's Copilot AI Designer. I asked if it was familiar with Saga Thing and it told me that it's a great podcast about medieval Icelandic sagas and textiles. That gave me a chuckle. Then I asked if it could create a new logo for us. This is the result! 😂
Reposted byAvatar John Forkbeard
We're making progress in Svarfdaela Saga. In this episode, Klaufi rescues Karl in Norway. Back in Iceland, he continues his killing ways, gets married under suspicious circumstances, and generally goes berserk. Listen to chapters 14b-17 on your favorite podcast app!
So I’m on Blue Sky now, largely so that six years from now I can post insufferably about how much cooler Blue Sky was in the 2020s. I mostly talk about Icelandic sagas, podcasting, medieval studies, being a dad, books, and how to make birthday cakes for dogs.
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