
This site isn't a retirement home for millennial weird twitter shitposters. I wish it were. It is actually a retirement home for the millennial AV Club comments section
there's a little shakesville and livejournal in it, too (pejorative)
It's all the same people. i can take the Livejournal but the Shakesville contamination is at hazardous levels
Unfortunately Shakesville kinda pissed in all the wells and we've been slow in filtering it out. It's been a decade and we're still...fuck, I don't even know how much
A lot of people are still trying to make this place Shakesville 2. I still get the occasional moral scold QT from some cartoon avi dipshit now and again
I have a confession to make. I have absolutely no idea what the a hell a Shakesville is. Just straight Darmok and Jalad* to me. *heh, funny how Darmok and Jalad is itself a Darmok and Jalad
Only THE BEST episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It's so THE BEST that it's cliche to even mention that it's THE BEST.
I don't want to spoil it, but part of the plot is the crew trying to figure out what "Darmok and Jalad" means.
What I'm hearing is we need to seed the whole place with oysters.
Yes. Oysters for Shakesville brain poison. What MFs didn't realize when they put all those teaspoons in the ocean were that they were pewter and salt water is acidic, so they were basically contaminating the entire place with lead.