
You and I have a different take on that NYT story.
How do you see it? Zhong is one of the sharpest climate writers out there, and this is fascinating research —boots on the ground.
There's more than one way to look at that link you shared. I see an establishment media which likes to think of itself in high terms, having a long article with pictures that look like it really is a travel piece, to sell tourism. The headline is also misleading. One has to dig down into the body/
I suggest your preconceptions about the Times are keeping you from reading the story clearly. The NYT has a climate team of a dozen journalists who work tirelessly to warn the world about the threat of climate change and the need for action.
My conception of the NYT is formed by years of watching their editorial board fucking around with American democracy, either being pedantically "both sides" or just straight up rooting for the vile. As for climate change: NYT has had many special interests over the decades and on science reporting/
... has often done more than many smaller papers. But the article you linked still looks like a travelogue entry, something I could find in Conde Nast. And the article title is still misleading. Perhaps it is you whose biases are making you miss some things going on in that NYT link.
The NYT does more than ANY other paper, as this chart from the University of Colorado's Media and Climate Change Observatory shows. Still, it looks like we fundamentally disagree, and won't be budging each other toward agreement. I wish you well.
In case the chart didn't come through in the previous post:
Strangely you misrepresented the chart claiming the NYT does more than any other paper. The chart shows all newspaper reporting BY CONTINENT. Now why would you do that?
The chart I posted shows US newspapers. The link takes you to the MECCO annual summary, with newspaper reporting by continent, along with lots of other great data. Not sure what your problem with that is.
You claimed it was reporting by the New York Times. I pointed out it was newspaper reporting by continent.
The Times is the green line. It leads US newspapers. You can check publications globally in the report. It’s still unclear to me what your criticism is.
The key for the chart says the green line is Oceania. "New York Times" is not listed anywhere on the chart. Maybe I need new glasses?
This is the chart from my post. This is what should have come through, and this is what shows up when I look at the post.